
About Cooking with Cat

These days it seems like we have 2 choices when it comes to our nutrition; we either spend hours making homemade food in our kitchen (sounds amazing, but who has time for that?) or spend tons of money on ready-to-eat meals that provide little control over its nutritional content and taste profile.

What if I told you there’s a healthy in-between?

I created this nutrition blog to teach others how to prioritize their healthy eating goals without having to sacrifice precious time or money.

Catherine Pouliot Registered Dietitian and Diabetes Educator

My Philosophy

Guiding Principles


Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated. Enough with the long ingredients list, and elaborate recipe instructions, and let’s not forget the dishes that pile up after attempting to cook something at home. Ugh, the worst!

Let’s focuses instead on cooking with simple ingredients, with no fuss and dare I say no measurements?


Eating isn’t just about fuelling, fitness or health. It’s also about sharing special moments with friends and family, bringing you joy on a rough day and feeling pride after cooking a homemade meal on a beautifully decorated table.

Let’s start thinking about cooking (and eating) as an experience. Don’t we all deserve to make it an enjoyable one?


Whether it’s starting a restrictive diet or aiming to work out every single day, we’ve all set these crazy high health expectations for ourselves at some point in time. Of course, we failed. Why? Because we aimed for perfection rather than balance.

Let’s ditch the perfectionism and instead, focus on sustainable healthy eating strategies. 

Catherine Pouliot Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator

Catherine Pouliot

Registered Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator

About Me

Hi, I’m Cat, proud owner of Cooking with Cat

I am an Ottawa-based Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator with a Master of Science in Human Kinetics. I am also a published researcher and part-time professor at the University of Ottawa.

Working with clients in my practice has taught me that most people know what to do to achieve a healthier lifestyle. What they often struggle with, however, is the “how”.

That’s my true specialty as a dietitian. Helping people overcome their barriers and providing strategies in the kitchen to make their lives easier.

In all areas of my professional practice, I am committed to helping my clients achieve a healthy lifestyle they can maintain and enjoy. Whatever that might look like for them. I provide a realistic approach to healthy eating that helps people reach their best possible health, quality of life and relationship with food.

Outside of work, I live a very busy life that involves many projects and hobbies such as playing sports, gardening, baking, cooking, and socializing with friends and family. My busy lifestyle certainly stems from my years of training as an elite artistic swimming athlete. I’ve been on the go ever since and I wouldn’t do it any other way. 

Maybe one day I’ll slow down, but in the meantime, I continue to do all the things that I love including sharing my passion for food and nutrition with you all!  

My Clinical Expertise

Intuitive Eating

Empowering clients to meet their healthy eating goals with an approach that supports the mind and the body.

Diabetes & Heart Health

Coaching client on how to improve their blood glucose and reduce their cardiovascular risk so they can live a long and healthy life.

Weight Management

Helping clients reach their goals with a non-restrictive approach that promotes realistic and sustainable strategies.

Digestive Health

Assisting clients with identifying digestive triggers and managing their symptoms without compromising their quality of life.

Sports Nutrition

Teaching clients how to adequately fuel their body for high-performance sport while promoting health and balance.

Disordered Eating

Supporting clients with improving their relationship with food, through a non-judgmental and individualized approach.

Ready to unleash the home cook in you? Not sure where to start?

Book a discovery call today!