Online Booking

What you need to know before booking:

Get to know your dietitian

Catherine Pouliot, MSc, RD/DtP, CDE/ÉAD

Catherine is a bilingual Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and holds a Master of Science in Human Kinetics. She has been working in private practice since 2016. Her specialties include weight management, intuitive eating, diabetes, heart health, gastrointestinal disorders, sports nutrition and infant feeding.

In all areas of her professional practice, Catherine is committed to helping her clients achieve a healthy lifestyle they can maintain and enjoy. Whatever this might look like for them. She provides a realistic approach to healthy eating that helps people reach their best possible health, quality of life and relationship with food.

Catherine previously trained as an elite synchronized swimming athlete. In her spare time, she enjoys cooking for friends and family as well as participating in sports such as volleyball, cycling and golf.

Details about the services

Please check with your insurance provider to see if Registered Dietitian services are covered under your extended health benefits plan. 

We do not offer direct billing at this time. However, we will provide an official receipt which you can use to claim reimbursement from your insurance provider.

Ready to Book Your Appointment?

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